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What you need to know

Whether this is your first or fourth time, here's some information on what to expect

Welcome to your guide to your hypnotherapy session. I’m here to help you understand the process and dispel any myths you may have about how hypnotherapy works

Firstly, let’s talk about what you need to do before we meet.


  • You’ll receive what’s called an intake form at least 4 days before our first session. This intake form gives me an idea about who you are and what you want to improve. The form also serves as a consent form and outlines our cancellation policy. You can fill out as much or as little as you feel comfortable, but the information you provide helps me develop a tailored plan for you. You need to return the form at least 2 days before your first session. If there’s any information not provided, we can fill this out together when we meet. Any information you provide by completing the form is encrypted for your privacy and remains strictly confidential, but it’s important to remember – the information you provide assists in understanding where you are and what you want to achieve. 

  • You can expect your first session to take anywhere between 90 minutes to 2 hours, and in this first session, the first 20min are complimentary – meaning if you or I don’t think we’re the right fit, you won’t be charged. Follow-up sessions may take anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour, so plan your day to allow for these times.

  • There are 3 parts to the session. Firstly, we’ll talk about what you want to achieve. Then, with your permission, we’ll get comfortable and proceed with the hypnosis session. Finally, we’ll discuss what you learned, set goals and agree on next steps. Hypnotherapy isn’t a magic trick. It takes effort on your part and in between sessions, you may be asked to do simple homework like listen to the recorded session, go for a walk or listen to a piece of music. This may not seem important but these tasks form part of your treatment plan. You only get out of the sessions what you put in, so if you choose not to complete these tasks, I may not agree to proceed with future sessions.

  • In the hypnotic part of the session, it’s important to understand what state you’re in. Hypnosis isn’t done while you’re asleep, but rather in a more relaxed state. It can at times be interactive. For example, your therapist might ask you to raise your hand or answer a question. That’s all normal parts of the process.

  • At the end of the session, you’ll likely feel relaxed and you may process deeply what was said in session during the week. This is also part of the process and can be discussed at your next session. The key is not only to feel better but to do better. We measure ‘doing better’ by setting goals and seeing how you’re tracking against those targets.

  • In certain cases, I may require referrals to proceed OR if your goals are outside my scope, I may refer you to another practitioner. I may also – with your permission – work in tandem with another practitioner for example a physio, dentist or dietician to get the optimum results for you.

Understanding abreactions


In rare cases, you can have what's called an abreaction. This is usually uncontrollable crying or nausea. If this happens, I'll pull you out of the hypnotic state and make sure you're ok. I may also call your emergency contact if required

Hypnotherapy & Referrals


Hypnotherapy is complimentary and NOT a cure or replacement for standard-of-care treatment of medical conditions. Depending on your concern, I may require a referral before proceeding with treatment. Conditions such as IBS and chronic pain for example require a referral to ensure you've eliminated all reasonable possibilities.

Preparing for a Virtual / remote session


Most remote sessions are conducted via Doxy - unless you ask otherwise. Doxy is easy to use. Here's a video if you're not sure

There are no passwords or codes required. Simply hit the button below when it's appointment time



Other things you need to prepare:

  • Make sure you've got a light on - especially if we're meeting at dusk.

  • Make sure your device is plugged in so it doesn't go flat mid-session

  • If you've got dodgy wifi, use data

  • Sessions are personalised to your needs. This means I need to see you from the torso up. Make sure your camera is working.

  • Make sure you're in a comfortable chair

  • If you have pets or children, make sure they're entertained, watered and fed, so they don't disturb you

  • Ambient sounds like birds or the air-con are ok

  • Some people feel cool while in a hypnotic state. Make sure you've got a blanket on hand

You've got this, and if you have any questions, call me on 0426 564 950

What to expect | The Road Hypnotherapy (5min)
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