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Avoidance isn't code for lazy


If I avoid, maybe the problem will go away...


Said every procrastinator. If you've said this to yourself. how many times did avoiding work for you? I'm guessing not often. So why do we keep (not) doing the same thing? Why can't you change and be more proactive? It's likely you don't know where to start.


Avoidance and procrastination are patterns you do to yourself, and it's made up of a number of smaller issues. For example:


  • Does it feel like there's a constant battle between what you know you should do, but can't bring yourself to do?

  • You don't know what the first step should be?

  • You imagine the task is worse than it is

  • You don't think you'll be able to do the task?

  • Because you don't know what to do, it seems easier to not start

  • If you don't think about the problem, it'll go away?

  • Do you focus on the hard or negative feelings of today to avoid the future?

  • Do you let your negative thoughts override the positive outcomes of taking action?

  • You're afraid of failure?

  • ​

    Our approach is to look at your avoidance and break it down into the sum of its parts. Procrastinators know better than anyone that looking at the problem as a whole is too overwhelming, so by addressing issues, step by step, the problem doesn't seem so big and can be managed.

    The 2 minute rule

    Look around you. Are there dishes in the sink, a jacket that needs to be hung up or several coffee cups on your desk? How long does it take to do any one of these tasks? Less than 2 minutes?


    Here's your first challenge. Instead of waiting to do these jobs later, do anything that takes less than 2 minutes as you go. After a week, take note of what's changed


    Source: David Allen, Getting Things Done

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